So... probably not that many of you care but I just have to share my story about this memorable picture day! First off, before I left my house, I managed to drop my cell phone in the toilet... yes the toilet! Next, I had to battle with my screaming 3 year old because he didn't want to stay with the baby-sitter, that of course made me late to my session. Finally, I arrived at the session and the whole family looked really cute... so that was good! We decided to travel to this abandoned barn which we thought was going to be a great picture place, well it turned out the wind was blowing 500 MPH so that wasn't going to work too good with long hair. We decided to snap a few shots and before I even took the first picture I stepped back on a rusty nail and of course it went through my shoe and into my foot! Nice huh?! At that point I was thinking maybe this wasn't going to be a good day! Fortunately the kids were doing great and we ended up finding a place with no wind... things were looking better! I snapped like crazy and managed to get some really fun shots. The session ended, the kids did awesome and I was thinking things were going to turn around for me... WRONG! After going to the doctor to get my tetanus shot I had to make the wonderful weekly Wal-Mart run to get groceries... YUK! The kids were terrible (no naps) but we managed to make it through the store without too many issues. We got to the check out station and I was thinking... ThaNk GOD, I am almost outta here! Well, once all the groceries were in bags and loaded in my cart I went to pay the nice lady and my credit card was gone... could it get any worse?? Yes, because I went to call my husband to come pay for my heaping cart of groceries and realized I had NO PHONE! Ahhhhhh! Well, after a little panicking I remembered I had just went to the bank and had some cash in my car... not really what I wanted to spend my cash on but it worked! I must say this was probably one of the worst days ever but luckily the pictures turned out GREAT... something had to go right!! Carter and Aly have grown up so much in the last year! Carter was such a shy guy last time and this time he was a major goof... which was good because I needed a laugh! Here are a few of my favorite shots of Carter and Alyssa... ENJOY!

Thanks Brian, Michelle, Alyssa, and Carter for giving me something good to remember about this day! ;) You guys are so much fun to work with! I look forward to seeing all of you again! :)