Friday, February 26, 2010

New BLOG!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know I have a new blog for 2010!! I will no longer be posting to this site. Feel free to check out my new blog page and make sure to add it to your favorites! ;) Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cutest Baby Bump Ever?!...

I love when people get my style and this couple definitely gets it! It's so fun when I don't have to worry about people wondering why they aren't perfectly centered and why their heads are cut off. I knew I could go creatively nuts with them and they would be cool with it! I have known Ross and Haley my whole life so I was extremely happy to hear that they were expecting their first child! Haley informed me that she didn't want a TON of maternity pictures, just a few... Well, I tried to control myself but it didn't work! They ended up with a TON of cute pictures... sorry! ;)Here are a few of my favorite shots of this ADORABLE couple... ENJOY! :)







This has to be the cutest pregnant belly I have ever seen!!!


Favorite image of the day... BEAUTIFUL!


Thanks Ross and Haley for allowing me to photograph this special time in your lives! I look forward to meeting your beautiful little girl! She will be here before you know it! ;)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tiny Taten...

I saw this little guys mom about a month ago and I couldn't even tell she was pregnant and now I know why! She was carrying one teeny tiny baby! When I saw Taten I was so amazed at how itty bitty he was! His little head was the size of a tennis ball... I sware! He reached a whopping 5 pounds the day before our session... whew! Since he was such a little guy we were able to do some pretty cute stuff with him! Here are a few of my favorites... ENJOY! ;)






Mom really wanted a picture of both of her boys, which is not always easy with a 2-year-old! We pulled out some big bribes and luckily he let us take a few! I LOVE THIS ONE! :)


Thanks Micah and Erin for choosing me to photograph your new little man! Wyatt and him will have so much fun together! Being in the 2-boy-club can have its challenges but it is definitely entertaining!! :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome Bryn Avery...

I was excited to get the news that Miss Bryn had arrived and everyone was doing great! Bryn gave us a run for our money at the beginning of our session but after hours and hours of bouncing, rocking, and eating she finally decided to drift off to dreamland! :) Once she fell asleep she was a little angel! We didn't have time to do everything we wanted but we did get some GREAT shots! Here are a few of my favorite shots of Bryn.... ENJOY!



Mom made this bowl so we REALLY wanted this picture... it turned out pretty cute! ;)






Thanks Brad and Brooke for bringing Bryn to see me! I think you have a party animal on your hands... hmmm I wonder who she gets that from??!! ;) She is an adorable baby... I LOVE her hair!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


One word comes to mind when I think of my session with Jaiden... COLD!!!!!!! Oh my GOSH we were frozen!!! During our entire session it was less than 5 degrees... I have to admit I was thankful when it was over! Jaiden did an awesome job in the frigid temperatures... I don't think anyone would ever guess by looking at her photos that she was FROZEN! Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Jaiden... ENJOY! ;)



I know I posted all serious pictures but I really LOVE Jaiden's serious face!!!!!! She has the most amazing eyes!!





Thanks Jaiden for allowing me to photograph your Senior pictures! You are such a sweet girl and I appreciate you FreEeeEeeezing your tail off with me! ;) I hope the rest of your Senior year goes great!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Beautiful Belly...

Karin and I have been chatting for months about her maternity pictures so I was super excited to finally get the chance to meet her and her husband Levi. We lucked out because the morning of our session it was snowing so I knew we were going to get some fun belly shots! Karin was a little nervous about showing off her baby bump but thankfully she trusted me and went along with it!!!! We ended up with some AMAZING pictures... I LOVE how they turned out! (EEEkkkk... Makes me wish I was pregnant again!) :) Here are a few of my favorite shots... ENJOY! :)









Thanks Levi and Karin for choosing me to photograph this special time in your lives. I can't wait to see what is in that beautiful belly... I love surprises! :)