Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tiny Taten...

I saw this little guys mom about a month ago and I couldn't even tell she was pregnant and now I know why! She was carrying one teeny tiny baby! When I saw Taten I was so amazed at how itty bitty he was! His little head was the size of a tennis ball... I sware! He reached a whopping 5 pounds the day before our session... whew! Since he was such a little guy we were able to do some pretty cute stuff with him! Here are a few of my favorites... ENJOY! ;)






Mom really wanted a picture of both of her boys, which is not always easy with a 2-year-old! We pulled out some big bribes and luckily he let us take a few! I LOVE THIS ONE! :)


Thanks Micah and Erin for choosing me to photograph your new little man! Wyatt and him will have so much fun together! Being in the 2-boy-club can have its challenges but it is definitely entertaining!! :)

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