Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sweet Ava...

Oh my gosh... I think this little girl was meant to be in front of a camera! She photographs so well! Of course I went nuts with her and made myself proof about a million images, but what was I to do... I couldn't get enough of her! One of these days I will learn to control myself... maybe! Ava was one of the first newborns I ever photographed and now she is back for her 1st birthday pictures! I have learned so much in a year and it is so cool to be able to see how much these little ones change and grow! Here are just a few of my favorite shots of sweet Ava... ENJOY!

Here she is 1 year ago...


Here she is now...








Ava was such a good baby that I thought I would experiment on her and do some natural light shots. I am such a fan of natural light and I am hoping to do more of this style in the future, I really LOVE these pictures! Her eyes really are that blue... no Photoshoping, I promise! ;)


I had to post this last picture because for you that know my husband, he really doesn't get into the photography thing AT ALL, but for some reason he liked this picture! yay! I think this is the first picture he has ever commented on so I thought it was worth posting! ;)


Happy 1st Birthday Ava!!! You are soooo stinkin CUTE... a photographers DREAM! ;) Thanks Adam and Chrissy for coming to see me! As always, it was nice visiting with you.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Thanks so much Tandi. You do such a great job. We can't wait to see all of the great pictures. It was great seeing you.