Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Abigail ad Rylee...

Many of you might remember Abigail and Rylee from their newborn pictures. It's so hard to believe that was already 7 months ago, but last week they were back and I was so excited to photograph them again! Twins are great, but twin girls are so much fun for me since I don't get to do the "girly" stuff much. I could have photographed Abigail and Rylee all day long but unfortunately they got bored with me so I had to quit. Here are a few of my favorite shots of these ADORABLE twin girls... ENJOY!

Here is Abigail...
I LOVE TUTU'S!!!!!!!! ;)
And Miss Rylee... them are some BLUE eyes!
Aren't the boots great?!!! So ADORABLE
Thanks Rick and Danyel for bringing the girls to see me again. I LOVE them! ;)

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