Meet Evan...
And here is Mr. Scottlin...
Thanks Scottie and Evan for hanging out with me! I can't believe how much you have grown up... you are getting so BIG! You are turning into such little men... it's scary! :) ENJOY your summer! ;)
Taylor graduated this year... CONGRATULATIONS! ;)
I think Taylor thought I was nuts when I took this picture but it actually ended up being one of my favorite shots of her.
Here is the whole family... I know the men weren't that excited but they managed to put up with me for a little while!
Another one of my favorites...
Thanks everyone for being so great to work with... you made my job FUN! I look forward to seeing all of you again soon!
I love the age of 3!!! Grace was such a little model... it was fun!
Grandma and Grandpa with Grace and Lyla...
I just had to laugh at this picture... typical picture day?! ;)
Little Moana was DONE... she was out! We did get some really cute sleeping shots with Mommy...! ;)